Dear experts,
There is an issue when taking physical prints. The prints are always '2'.
1. When we trigger a print, only one spool request is generating.
2. When Number of copies are 1 in spool request : 2 physical prints
When Number of cop...
Hi Experts,
Hope you are doing well.
I am facing some issue where business Requirement is to change KBETR value for VI01 transaction.
Please explain below:
1. To achieve this, should I create a VOFM routine in Condition value or Condition Bas...
Dear Experts,
Hope you are doing good!!
I am from technical team(ABAP). I got a requirement to change condition type based on shipping weight.
We have two condition types(ZF01 - Below 1000 KG, ZF02 - Above 1000 KG). This is for Sh...
Hi Experts,
I am trying to get right click functionality for a button.So, I have extended 'sap.m.Button' control like below.
and done the modification in index.html file like below to disable standard oncontextmenu
It is...
Dear experts,
I am getting "The user is locked" error while accessing the fiori admin url.
I have checked in system, User is not locked there. I can able to login Fiori launchpad. Given Admin and user roles for the user as well.
Hi Jyoti Prakash,Thank you for your reply. The issue is, based on Condition(KSCHL), Condition Amount(KBETR) should change in VI01. For example: If condition is Z001, the condition Amount(KBETR) should change with below formula.Condition Amount = (Con...
Hi Experts,Thank you so much for your responses. I managed to get the solution finally.Before, I was trying to change KSCHL(Condition type) directly in requirement routine. It was not reflecting.Solution: Created 2 requirement routines. 601- for ZF01...
Hi Saurabh,
I am logging with same client by using sap-client=<CLIENT> in the URL. Still getting same error.
and I am opening url by transaction /n/ui2/flpd_cust, then also getting same error.
Hi All,Instead of Push, I tried on Demand fetch by following this link - Now, Attachments are downloading by On Demand Fetch.Thanks & Regards,Prathyusha Balla