Member since ‎2015 Feb 16

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  • 10 Posts
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Hi All, We are following the SAP ABAP Programming Model for SAP Fiori for NW 7.5 found here. From this documentation, we are attempting to group fields within the "data point" by customer general details and customer change details. We have written...
Hi All, I am new to BRF+. We are developing a function within BRF+ that uses the DBLOOKUP expression. The plan is to call this function multiple times within an ABAP program. If we do this, it appears that the DBLOOKUP is executed as part of each f...
Hi All, We would like to link our countries to larger geographical regions. For example, Germany would be linked to EMEA or the US would be linked to North America. The goal is to use this as a roll up in our reporting (in SAP or BW) such as North ...
Hi All, We are trying to define risk aggregation for operational risks. We have reviewed note 1697081 and the wiki (Risk Aggregation in RM 10.0 - Governance, Risk and Compliance - SCN Wiki. Unfortunately, the default class (CL_GRRM_ANA_AGGR_DEFAULT...
Hi All, We have a number of Risks that are common for a number of Activities. Ideally, it would be great to have Risk Templates flow into the Activity based on some Master Data Object. Originally, we thought the Activity Category would achieve this...