Member since ‎2008 Jan 28

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Hello,since a few days there is a SAP EasyDMS 7.1 SP02P PL5 in the Download Center, but I can't find a changelog (I think it should be in SAP note 1567873, but I can't open that note).Does anyone know whats new / fixed in this version?Thanks,Walter
Hello,I have the request to implement a "link" between SAPGui and EasyDM. The customer needs  buttons (or menu entry or whatever) in some SAP transactions to open the linked documents / folders in the EasyDM session. So I need some kind of API (Win32...
Hello,when I start SE11 to view a table structure (doesen't matter which table, I tried many different. Let's use ADRC), mark a line in tab "Fields" and then switch to tab "Entry help/check", SAPGUI crashes. This happens with different SAPGUI Version...
Hello,we're on the way to roll out SAPGUI 7.20 PL4. Now I discoverd a serious bug: Local input history isn't working anymore.I switched on tracing on SAPGUI to see whats wrong, an the cause is simple: SAPGUI uses comma (,) instead of dot (.) in the g...