With SAP HANA 2.0 SPS 03 we have extended our native dynamic data masking capabilities beyond the view level, so you can now mask data at the table level in SAP HANA.
A quick refresher: Dynamic data masking was shipped for the first time with SAP HA...
Hi, I’m Aleks and I work with the SAP HANA Product Management team. I’ve been with SAP for over two years, and one of my key areas of focus is SAP HANA security. I’m really passionate about the intersection between data privacy and data analytics, so...
SAP HANA provides a comprehensive security framework to help keep your data secure. In addition to the authentication/single sign-on, user/role and authorization management, audit logging, and encryption capabilities that we already have in place, wi...
Hi - I was wondering how the permalink feature works for draft blogs? Although it is called "permalink" this link changes from when you start writing the blog to when it is published. Also, when you manually edit this link to re-write the URL it does...
Introduction to the SAP HANA smart data access linked database feature
The linked database feature was introduced with SAP HANA 2.0 SPS 01, and greatly simplifies the workflow for accessing remote data sources. With the new linked database feature u...
Hi Wolfgang,
No, unfortunately this is not possible with SAP HANA 1.0 SPS12. The initial feature release was in SAP HANA 2.0 SPS 00.
Best regards,
Hi Jaume,
Hopefully I understand your question correctly - a couple of comments from my side. As of today, we do not support LDAP authentication, this is something we have planned for 2018. Please note, as with all roadmap items this is subject to c...
Hi Narsing,
Thanks for reading the blog. To answer your question, LDAP groups can only be mapped to catalog roles. For more information on this please reference the latest SAP HANA Security Guide: https://help.sap.com/viewer/b3ee5778bc2e4a089d3299b...
Hi Mohan,
In general we do not recommend that you assign individual privileges to end users in SAP HANA. The best practice is to bundle privileges into roles and then assign these to the end users. This holds true with the LDAP groups feature as wel...
Hi Kyle – With SAP HANA SDA in general, including the linked database feature, we recommend that you use it to access source/target HANA databases of the same version.