Hi All,
I have a requirement to create a ODATA service to create Sales Order. I am exploring the option to enhance the standard service "API_SALES_ORDER" to achieve this requirement. But I am facing few issues.
1. Header Text and Item text cannot...
Dear Experts,
I am using subroutine "userexit_pricing_prepare_tkomk" of include "RV60AFZZ" to update a custom field of TKOMK structure. I am taking the value from partner details by passing partner type to table XVBPA.
When i am processing single...
Dear Experts,
I am using subroutine "userexit_pricing_prepare_tkomk" of include "MV45AFZZ" to update a custom field of TKOMK structure. I am taking the value from partner details by passing partner type to table XVBPA.
When i am processing sin...
Dear Experts,
I have a very basic question. I am trying to create a table in HANA DB using HANA Studio SQL script. Now i have a language field in this table to which i need default value to be system logon language if i do not pass the value whi...
Hi All,
I have a requirement to copy specific TextIDs from delivery to invoice and that should be done only for particular customer. I have checked 'Delivery text' checkbox of VOFA transaction, it can help to copy all the TexIDs but not specific...
Hi Florian,I will try to use this logic, i have one more structure which is having temporary invoice number which can be passed along with the partner type. Just curious that even though the exit gets called one time for each invoice the table is not...
Hi Phanikumar,My bad, it is RV60AFZZ. I have created a new question for this and will redirect this question to that link. Please let me know your comments. I am using collective billing button in VF04 tcode.Thanks and Regards,Sathwik
Hi Florian Pfeffer,Thanks for the info, went through this function and as suggested by you it is giving the value as 'E' for English. I could use this inside a UDF or Procedures, also i could use this using a select statement. When i tried to use thi...
Thank you, this worked. Maintained the VOFM routine number in Requirement column. Wrote the logic to restrict based on customer in routine as per your suggestion.