Member since ‎2015 Feb 27

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Hi FolksI would like to get access to SAP S/4HANA 1610 for Trial hosted on AWS. have some specific queries if anyone of you can help me to with it , please refer to the ...
Hi FolksWhy should not we insist on creating Transport of Copies and then doing Transports rather than doing bulk Transports as given by Dev, it can make things fast and lives easy. What are your views.
How to do bulk Transports(Cofile-Datafile) in QA/Prd System in a given sequence rather than picking it one by one ?Though we can select multiple requests at the same time and Transport it sequentially as just pasting it sequentially does not make a d...
I am a SAP Netweaver Consultant , want to know from all the SAP Experts out here that according to you which are the highest paying modules in SAP ? rank them.