Member since ‎2015 Mar 05

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Next Gen Asset Performance Management (Next Gen APM) is shorthand for Advanced Asset Lifecycle Management. This emergent approach to asset management goes far beyond the traditional questions of maintenance, cost, safety systems and condition. Next G...
How does an oil and gas (O&G) company effectively analyze sensor data being collected on 25,000 wellheads in the West Texas oil fields? If you have 70,000 miles of pipeline, how can you proactively monitor operating data to detect and fix problems be...
The transition to the digital economy and the increased adoption of cloud and learning technologies provides an unprecedented opportunity to automate asset-related data exchange – and you can be part of this transformation. SAP is currently developin...
Proactively managing environmental and operational excellence initiatives together can be pretty tricky for O&G operations.  Your success depends on how current and reliable the information you have is about the current status.  Maintaining the visib...
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