Member since ‎2014 Jun 13

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Hi expert I followed tutorial url.(https://developers.sap.com/mission.portal-cf.html) but I can't add a app. The problem is, the add to my content button doesn't work.(attached fisrt picture) Do I have permissions I haven't set up? If I call...
hi expert I am registering an app in fiori launchpad. I followed the tutorial below. https://developers.sap.com/tutorials/cp-cf-fioriapps-create.html https://developers.sap.com/tutorials/cp-portal-cloud-foundry-sapui5-app.html Then the resul...
hi experts I make sapui5 project above. I access products.json file from App.controller.js I use relative path --> ../json/products.json. but I cannot load json file. And I use ./json/products.json. why different general relative path? th...
Hi, Expert I use Java Scheduler(Jobs) in EP7.4. This scheduler often goes into the "STARTING" state. The "STARTING" status lasts for several days. I found the cause to solve this problem. The cause was 'enough threads'. pdf 17page https://...
Hi Experts,We upgrade EP Server from 7.0 to 7.4. So We have shifted to a new server project(without any change). JAVA Source IJCOClientService clientService = ( IJCOClientService) PortalRuntime.getRuntimeResources().getService(IJCOClientSErvice.KEY);...
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