Member since ‎2013 Feb 11

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Hi, We have created file based event (e.g. E1) and it will be triggered based on data loads. If I schedule a report now (recurrence = now) using E1 and report status is changing to pending and scheduling starts as soon as E1 is triggered (e.g. eve...
Hi,We have below simple scenario:We have Input text, pushbutton in canvas 1 AND spreadsheet component and reset button in canvas2.when user enter the value in 'input text' and click on 'execute' then canvas1 should hide and canvas2 display with sprea...
Hi,We have below sample dataCountryKF1KF2KF3Var1Country1 2EURCountry224 Country3 Variable 'Var1' is created in report with formula =if(isnull(KF3);"";[Currency]) as I do not want to display currency if there is no value for KF3Also I have unchec...
Hi All,I have created variable like below....=If([Type]="A";"TypeA";If([Group]="B";"TypeB"))Then below is the data displaying in crosstableGroup/TypeTypeATypeBGA5102GB846GC3When I use the filter... Type is not null then it is displayingGroup/TypeType...
Hi,I have created file based event and using it in report schedule. Below are the the reccurence details as I need to run report @8am daily after event has been triggerd (if event is not triggered before 8am then report should run as soon as event is...