Hi BPCeros!!!!!
Do you want to download the BPC AddIn?
Possibly you have already seen a similar blog in my account, I just wanted to update it since many have left me comments that the images from my previous blog are outdated. With this blog, I wa...
HiTo download, follow these steps.click here --> SAP Service Marketplace - HomeClick in Software DownloadsClick in Support Packages & PatchesClick in Alphabetical List of My ProductsSelect the letter BSearch and Select Sap Bpc For SAP NetweaverClick ...
Hi, On many occasions we have found with inconsistencies within the SAP BPC 10.1 Embedded system such as: :!: No allow delete BPF´s :!: No allow delete Instances BPF's :!: Some action buttons do not run if the administrator does not have BPC Web in E...
Hi expertsIn the classic version of SAP BPC 10, Exist a package "master data on the fly" the question is ¿in the version embedded of SAP BPC 10.1, I can use this package "master data on the fly"?Best Regards!!!!!Juan Pablo Chaparro.
Hi AllAs a first step, we upload our custom image into the MIME repositoryFirst, we run transaction SE80 to access the ABAP Development WorkbenchClick on the MIME Repository button.Navigate to the following path: \SAP\PUBLIC\BC\UR\Login\assetsSearch...
Hi Manuel,Manuel I recommend you see the following note 2027990 - When enable "Linked to Property"Cause
If user want to use the "Linked to Property" function for ID of dimension:A and property of dimension:B, user should make sure that all the IDs of...
Hi Manuel,You can try adding EPMMemberProperty inside the Override, as follows.=EPMDimensionOverride("000";"RPTCURRENCY";EPMMemberProperty(;EPMContextMember(;"ENTITY");"CURRENCY"))Or=EPMDimensionOverride("000";"RPTCURRENCY";"ENTITY:"&EPMMemberPropert...
Hi CatiaWhat you want is to run sequences from a BPF?
I don't think it's possible, I have executed sequences from to AO or from SAC.Regards!!!!Juan Pablo