Member since ‎2014 Mar 26

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Hi,We are implementing Global Employment.In IT 0702(Documents), we have to maintain the subtypes.But i am not able to get in which table i can create new subtypes.Pls guide me on this.Thank u
Hi,We are implementing LOA Employee Inactive and Return to Work.For Inactive employee status is 1. My query is when i make the employee inactive and later if i run any other action like Transfer,Confirmation etc system is taking the data which is act...
Hi,I am trying to create a number range in clients development system.There is already a number range that is existing which is overlapping with my current requirement.I want to use different codes for number i dont opt for changing the r...
Hi,I have maintained multiple User groups(41 & 42) for a action.And reference User group as 00.In SU3 maintained UGR as 41,i was able to see my action in PA40.But when i make UGR blank in SU3 and maintain reference user group as 41,in PA40 im not abl...
Hi,I am implementing Personnel administration for 3 different countries.For India, Bangladesh and Vietnam.I have first made settings for India in SU3.Maintained MOL-40 and UGR-40.  I configured all the actions and info group settings.There are countr...