Member since ‎2016 Feb 24

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  • 41 Posts
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Hi Gurus,I have added new custom notification variables in the email notification and also copied the SAP standard FM to a custom one and modified the code to derive the new values for the variables. I also added the newly create Z function module as...
Hi Gurus,I got an issue for HR Trigger. In the configuration of the HR trigger action, we have to add the systems into the action. My requirement is that when the EE is terminated, his User ID should be delimited in the systems where his ID is.The pr...
hi Gurus,a client of mine is interested to know how to delete/clear EAM log report. Should it be archive or can it be deleted?What is the best practice? Please indicate the steps for each proposed solution.JY
To gurus,I faced an issue with distribution list deriving the wrong user id as approver.In GRC10, we use DL for role owners.In some cases, we have similar user ids like SPPROX and SPPRO. when the ARM gets to the role owner stage, instead of SPPROX be...
Hi Gurus,I got a question about the Modify Task Settings and Modify button for MSMP.In the MSMP->Maintain Paths (5) ->Maintain Stages, there is a configuration for Modify Task Settings. In there, you can set up the escalation and routing rules and et...