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Member since ‎2011 May 27

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Hello Experts,In financial report templates for cash flow which G/L accounts to be mapped for receipts against invoices from customer and payment against invoices to suppliers.similarly for credit notes paid to customers and credit notes paid by supp...
Hello Experts,Can we loop through a recordset in SPTN ?Thans
Hello Experts,select OPOR.DocNum ,  opor.cardname , DATENAME(mm,opor.u_eta+5) + STR(datename(yy,opor.u_eta+5)) ,    (SUM(OPENQTY) * (SUM(OPENSUM) / SUM(QUANTITY)))[INR] ,STR((SUM(OPENQTY) * (SUM(OPENSUMFC ) / SUM(QUANTITY)))),CASE WHEN POR1.Currency...
Hello Experts,Can i fetch data from another database in SPTN ?Thanks
Hello Experts,I want to display supplier wise sum of openqty and sum of opensum of items in purchase order falling in the respective dates as per the date on line output will be like this.Through query is it possible ?supplier          Item ...