Introduction:Yes, you read it right (and you read it right here !). There is an out-of-the-box approach to achieving a single sign-on (SSO) experience for user flows between a corporate identity provider (that authenticates and authorizes the user) a...
In this blog post, we will enable users to log in to SAP API Business Hub Enterprise (a.k.a the Developer Portal), one of the capabilities of the API Management in SAP Integration Suite by setting up SSO via SAP IAS that acts as a proxy to...
Background and Context:
Being able to connect to non-SAP systems via Open Connectors is an important part of SAP Integration Suite's proposition. In addition, customers have been using SAP Open Connectors as a standalone product within SAP BTP's Neo ...
Background and Context
By default, all SAP Cloud Platform Accounts come connected to SAP ID Service at the Identity Provider. Identities of S-user accounts as well as SCN Accounts (P-users) are managed by the SAP ID Service. While this is a great sta...
A Launchpad for a harmonized Suite experience
As my colleague Gautham beckoned to the simplification that SAP Cloud Platform Integration Suite brings to your heterogeneous enterprise landscapes, we are happy to announce that the Integration Suite now...
Hi Faisal, Keeping my answers short. You are right that the policy template my colleague referred to in the blog is now deprecated. Please stay tuned, I'm publishing an updated policy template soon. The new approach will use SAML Assertions generated...
@Martin-Pankraz - Something that I did not explicitly mention in the blog. By all means, if the App invoking the CPI endpoint is a BTP Service that can use BTP Destinations, it should do so by using token exchange mechanism that comes out of the box...
Thanks for this useful post. But what I've noted is that `text here` markdown that gets translated to <code>text here</code> in HTML is ignored by our blog rendering engine. Do you know how to solve this ?
Here's a way to achieve this (i.e. a single API Proxy can check for the permissions to access the resource for multiple consuming apps):
1. Deploy the scopes on the Product that are needed to be distributed to the APIs (e.g., product.wri...
Hi Gregg,I don't see any errors in the steps that you've described. Where I believe the problem lies is in the format of the private key.What has worked for me is getting the private key in PKCS#8 format that starts with either -----BEGIN ENCRYPTED P...