Please provide Solution Manager 7.2 Image Restore process document and Post steps for SID Rename for both Java and ABAP stacks.
System Details:
OS is Linux
Application is Solution Manager 7.2
Dual Stack on One server
Please provide Solution Manager 7.2 Image Restore process document and Post steps for SID Rename for both Java and ABAP stacks.
System Details:OS is LinuxDB is HANAApplication is Solution Manager 7.2Dual Stack on One server.Thanks,Krishna.
Hi AllWe have recently upgraded PI 7.11 to PI 7.5 (Dual Stack) - Prior going ahead with upgrade I have checked if NWA / SLD links are working fine . But post to PI 7.5 upgrade , we are able to login to NWA links but unable to click on any options suc...
Hi Expert,In Attached screenshot, we are facing some issue with o data service for “Freight order visibility” fiori App.Please help...!!!Regards,Niklesh Bagde
While we are trying to use the remediation view functionality in GRC 10.1 , the result is always a blank screenWe have followed the below procedure for settings in OData channel. http://wiki.scn.sap.com/wiki/display/GRC/Remediation+View+Functionality...
Hi Shalin,
This is very good link for System copy for abap and java systems.
My requirement is need to change SID for java stack after Solman 7.2 Image restore, please provide that related link.
Hi Plaban, I too face the same issue with same configuration. Looking forward for some to help us with this.Approval works just fine from GRC. Moreover, end user request submission app works fine. Request gets submitted and a request no is generate...
Hi Karthik ,DO you get anything on this further. I am also trying to export my solution content .And when i try to download it was in *.JSON file format . where i am unable to read the content of the same either as notepad or word.Can you please help...
Hi Madhu,Thanks for Expertise your Suggestion here.but we had resolved this issue via Implement Snote No. 2144507.It is working fine now.Thanks,Niklesh Bagde