Member since ‎2013 Jun 18

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  • 69 Posts
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You are editing the theme for Fiori Framework Page from UI theme designer and on previewing it via "Portal Control Previews", you are getting the preview for Ajax Framework Page instead of Fiori Framework Page which as expected as shown below: Bac...
You made the change to one of portal framework pages (both of SAP standard ones and custom ones). Erroneously you uncheck "Visible" box for one or all of listed entries of the framework page you edited. After re-logon the portal, no innepage/t...
You would like to upload roles from ABAP back-end system into Portal in order to bring the R/3 navigation structures into the portal. This blog is to introduce you with detail steps of how to import ABAP back-end roles into Portal. Steps: ...
The theme fallback mechanism checks if a theme can be applied to an application and selects a fallback theme if the specified theme is not valid. Whether a given theme is supported by an application depends on the underlying UI technology and it...
On accessing to SAP HANA Cloud Connector(SCC) login page, you are unable to login successfullly via the URL with the correct Administrator(or other built-in) user's login credential. And system is returning with warning message of "User authenticatio...