Member since ‎2011 Nov 29

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Hello experts, We calculate by costing the price per meal at the organisation by using the product boom , where the food items are the ingredients/ components of the Bom. We have got a complaine from users that the costing valuation is higher th...
Hello Gurus I have an open EMF document from GJAHR=2016, I need to change FIPOS at line 6, using transaction FMCCOVR . step 1 - i changd by mistake to different FIPOS. step 2 - i tried to change to the right FIPOS but recieved meassege FMCF1...
Hi Gurus I have added a custom field in the table EKPO which is listed in the item level in the "Internal" tab in me21n, me22n and me23n. the field is getting updated and saved as it should. But, I have also defined derivation rules which apply...
Dear Support I created PD INFOTYPE 9445 with transaction PPCI ,I added fields on HRI9445, it connected to PD SUBTYPE with transaction OOIT, and OOSU, it defined as time concetraint 3. I opened the 9445 info type with transaction PO10 to enter da...
We have a requirement to configure release procedure for STO scenario. Release procedure needs to be captured in STO PO's same class and characteristics. We have need to have different characteristics between PO & STO , those of PO doesn't exist a...
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