Member since ‎2007 Jan 01

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Hi All,Can anyone share the Link to Chart Designer Software.I have already searched in SDN Downloads, SAP Store and SAP Marketplace but could find any Link for Downloading Chart Designer.Thanks in AdvanceBhavika
Hi All,My Requirement is as follows -I have multiple Smartforms and a single Adobe Form.I want to merge the Smartform Outputs and Adobe Form output in a single PDF.I am able to merge multiple Smartform Output in a PDF , but not able to find any way t...
Hi All,I have come across a issue in the invoice generated for a Credit Memo.The Billing Document Number generated has the number $000000003 , it is not converted to the Document Number defined in the Number Ranges.This has happened in Production. No...
Hi All,I am downloading an excel through my abap program using GUI_DOWNLOAD.My requirement is to open/read that excel and apply macro to it, so that it comes out formatted in the end.Earlier, i used OLE methods to format the excel . But due to large ...
Hi All,I have a sapscript output which i am sending as a PDF Attachment.Though the required characters in Script are BOLD but they are not appearing as BOLD in PDF Attachment.Please guide me on how to make the characters in the PDF Attachment as BOLD...