Hi All,I'm seeing a situation in the system where FOC(Z type) orders, when created with a reference, the original document's document flow is showing up deliveries created from reference order.i.e, if A2 is created using A1 as reference and then when...
Hello All,User is not able to access the Shopping cart-wizard in EB portal, user has updated the internet explorer to internet explorer V7 still he is not able to access. When user clicks on Shopping cart-wizard he gets the following error "Cannot S...
Hi All,I am facing a strange issue while using the bapis Bapi_po_chnage and Bapi_po_create1.I am deleting STOs using BAPI_PO_CHANGE, calling it in a loop for each sto and commiting or rollback using bapi_transaction_commit with wait = x incase of no ...
Hi All,I have a requirement of displaying a standard adobe form from a click of a button in a WDA portal,I am an ECC developer and have no idea of WD. I created a function module which uses submit statement to invoke the driver program and displays t...
why do u need to use field symbols, cant you simply loot at IT_MARC & readt table on IT_MARA?and second thing, if you want to use field symbols then use sy-subrc to check if ASSIGN was successful or not.There might be a case where one of the internal...