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Member since ‎2009 Jun 17

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Using DataService , I am trying to generate a CSV file with 2 columns ( ID,Description ) where Description is "LONG" datatype and the record count is around 6 Million. The job is failing after 300k records and it is generating hundreds of files in ...
Hi All, Gurus, Can someone explain me this options in bulk loader options in bods ? I assume this options got changes in the recent service pack.
Hi all, Please advice. I am trying implement the solution based out the below thread to read multiple files to target. just use a wildcard for the...
Hi Guru, Please advice, I need help with a solution in handling delete records. I trying to implement solution by using this thread But in my scenario th...
We are planning on creating local repo in target database. Do we are issues with this ( I mean any dead locks or table locks due to same database for local and target ) ? We want to use this repo to execute jobs in higher regions.
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