Member since ‎2003 Aug 31

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Hi,In our demo hana system, no users (include SYSTEM) has the authorization to access the tables in schema SYS_REPL. Anyone got an idea or work around for this?Thanks,Jun
Hi,I got the following error when installing the NW7.3 Java, currently in the phase of "Perform initila Java Engine Configuration":-Execution of the command ""C:\Program Files\sapinst_instdir\NW731\INSTALL\NW731\MSS\STD\sapjvm\sapjvm_6\bin\java.exe" ...
Hi Guys,I am doing a NW7.3 Java export on the source system, it completed OK. After that, the system can not be started up. It failed during 'synchronizing binaries'.Below is the error:-Error while persisting instance profile for component [Configura...
I am doing a system copy ABAP+Java and in the post-intallation task. The server0 can not be started due to the following error:-Caused by: Connect to message server host failedConnect...