Hello Jibbril,In the official Cloud Foundry documentation you can find the optional parameters you can provide when you create a CF Task: https://v3-apidocs.cloudfoundry.org/version/3.172.0/index.html#create-a-taskThese parameters can be added when y...
In Java world such great values as maxOccurs="9999999999" should not be ignored. Such a Web Service cannot be invoked from Java Application Server also. The same OutOfMemory will arise. The more proper value in the WSDL would be maxOccurs="unbounded"...
Hello Venkat,The reason of the import failure is maxOccurs="9999999999". This value is greater than the limit of an Integer number in Java. That's why the Eclipse EMF API cannot validate the document and the import in the BPM process fails. See SAP N...