I almost always use alerters for hyperlinks (XIr3.x) instead of entering a hyperlink directly into a cell. Here's my reasons:1. It's easy to turn them off.If I'm developing, I might not want the hyperlinks active all of the time, for instance: experi...
I know it's a strange question, one which I suspect not many of you have asked.There is a way to answer this question though :cool: Download the free Audacity audio editor.From the File menu select Import>Raw Data:Choose a file:Select 'U-Law' as the ...
The Timedim function was introduced to Webi 3.1 (SP3?) as a way to create a consecutive range of dates when the source date dimension returns a non-consecutive range.This is more easily demonstrated than explained!Using the Island Resorts sample Univ...
Using the drillfilters() function, we can see where we are in a hierarchy when drilling is enabled. However, sometimes you may want to format report elements or data based on your whereabouts in the hierarchy. This is very easy to do and can be an ef...
One question you’re very likely to encounter when reporting with Web Intelligence is “how do I find the latest something?”, whether it’s the latest employee data, last invoice, or most recent date for something.Most people go with a mechanism whereby...
I don't believe this is possible with Input Controls just yet - the feature is on the drawing Board for 4.2 though - "Cascading Input Controls".Consider using normal filter dropdowns, which should work as expected (if the hierarchy is designated at t...
Not sure this is new; works in 3.1 SP7; willing to bet this goes back to the introduction of the Timedim function in 3.1SP3, if not before.Good job raising awareness though, lots of these things remain undocumented until people like you stumble acros...
What's the reason? You're ultimately just replacing one ID with another aren't you?If you just want to obfuscate it, use an Alerter to display hashes instead of digits - the underlying data is unchanged then.
If you have auditing enabled and configured appropriately, you should be able to query the objects the report uses, but not by table or query (in my experience).See:Objects Associated with a UniverseIf auditing is configured appropriately and you're ...