Can anyone tell me if there is a standard configuration to setup a email nodification to the Requisitioner when the goods receipt is on on the PO. I find that it is possible to setup so the buyer gets a email, but can this also be done for the requis...
Hi Experts, I'm trying to install a new Zebra print on GLM, but cannot get this updated in Transfer and check printes, it seems that I missing some step to get this to work.I have installed the Zebra 430t print driver on the WWI server, so the next s...
Hi Experts, In order to get the tax printed on Chinese purchased orders, I use the MWVS condition, created a new Access seq. withWithKOMK - ALAND "Country" KOMK - MWSKZ " Tax code "My problem is now that after I have maintain the MEK1 condition ...
Hi Experts, I need to change the margin on the text editor in the purchase order, can any one show how this can be maintaied. The line editor is set to 16.5, in order see how the text will be printed, we need have this set to 21.5. Best Regards,Lars
Hi Juergen,your right the problem was the format, when I've added the missing zero's it work fine.Can I ask one more thing, can you by coding add the missing zero's to the material no I'm coming with in my excel sheet, or should I just add in excel.T...
Hi Juergen, Thanks for your quick reply, I can see that these are small pictures I tried to do a newI think that I have followed your instruction, but I have not used the coding in the Name field only mapped the material no. Could this be the prob...
Hi Juergen, I have tried to create a LSMW, based on your instruction, but when I run the input, it shows that it transfered, but when I check my material, the text is not uploaded.I try to load Basic text on the Material master, via the material no ...
Hi Jürgen,Thanks for you reply,I'm trying to calculated Tax for each item on the purchase order by using MWVS on the header of the order on, and it should be taken from KOMK-MWSKZ on the item tab Invoice here you have the tax code Regards, Lars