Member since ‎2009 Dec 04

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Dear, I would like to fetch the first 10 values from the field edid4.sdata from the segment where b.segnam = 'E1BPMEPOHEADER' and a.mestyp = 'PORDCR1' Getting an error message "Function SUBSTRING: parameter at position 1 has incorrect da...
Dear Team, Request to clarify the open stock after 311 movement type in the 3rd Line for Receiving Sloc. 1st Line (Receiving Stock in G000) 101 Movement type Initial Stock is Zero, goods receipt of 1 Pc Closing stock is 1 PC, After tha...
Dear All, I have created a purchase order with ROH material & updated the storage location in the Purchase order. and now am performing the Goods receipt with an interface (different system) There may be a case, where the interface team may not s...
Dear experts, we have a requirement to create a po and grn.Once goods receipt is posted, the accounting documents should bestock account debit expense account creditWe don't want invoice ton be created for the I made final invoice indicator che...
Dear Team, we have a requirement to create / update the 1000 storage location address. Is there any way, where we can create storage location address in a single shot. RegardsPraveen