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Member since ‎2006 Jul 10

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Hi Experts,There is a requirement to create outbound delivery for Stock Transfer Order which normally to be carried out via VL10B transaction. To create the same via custom program we can use function module SHP_DELIVERY_CREATE_FROM_STO. Additional r...
Hi Experts,I've enhanced one function module at end by adding post-exit enhancement. Here I've added perform statement which calls a form routine written in Z-Include. This Z-Include I've added in main program of the function group with INCLUDE State...
Hi,I've one function ZFN1 module which I would like to call at two places1. In a function module ZFN_UPD, which is being called in UPDATE TASK2. in a funciton module ZFN_NUPD, which is not being called in UPDATE TASKNow how do I identify whether the ...
Hi,I am not getting GOS Toolbar in VA03. how do I get that?Some time ago I had done that... but forgotten Thanks,
Hi,I've tried installing NWAS702 ABAP Trial but failed with error.Download location: XP Professional4GB RAMJRE 1.5.0_22At the time of Execut...