Member since ‎2012 Nov 14

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Background:This is the second part of the series Interpolating the move-in meter reading in SAP IS-U Device Management . Here I would like to describe the technical fix required to achieve the interpolation of the move-in meter reading through the fu...
We had a requirement in our project to interpolate the move in read based on the move out reading. The move-in was performed a day after the move-out and it was required to copy the move-out reading into the move-in reading. We achieved this throug...
Hello Experts,The meter read reason field in the EL16 transaction doesn't seem to be working. Has anybody else faced a similar problem?Thanks. Regards,Mohammed Muzammil.
Background:EL31 is the transaction for monitoring the meter reading data. These reads are pulled from the table EABL and EABLG. Most of the times because of client requirements the table EABL is enhanced with custom fields. However, the custom fields...
Background:We have been using the BOR object ISUNBSERVC to create and end the non billable service in our present project. We were able to accomplish most of the requirements such as enrolling the customer into a service provider portfolio ( through ...