GRC Notification subject Line can be customized as per need attaching an example.
Go to Tcode SE16
This table contains the information about notification messages
Such as Message Class
Now select(d...
Hello AllI would like to have some sort of SSO thing for end user logon.would like to know if it is possible, or if there is any way i can make the id field populated from portal to end user logon.I am also planning to integrate with workdays, is it ...
Creation and Managing of Risks using workflow in Access Control: Take an example :You have to configure Workflow for Risk Management in Access Control.The requirement is process flow is : see the diagram. Step A1 à The user creates the Risk ID in ARA...
Take a scenario: Where you have a requirement for1) User Authentication data source is LDAP2) User Details Data source is HR(for Manager)3) SAP User ID is stored in physical attribute in LDAP.4) HR system infotype 0105 subtype 0001 stores SAPID5) HR ...
Unwanted request is getting raised because of decision table, PLease change your logic to more relevant so unwanted request cannot be raised.You can enable SLg1 logs and view more details and specify parameter to determine actions.Regards,Prasant
Hi,sorry, could you please post some logs greying information whihc you should not, would like to see what exactly logs is saying.i mean more specific information.Regards,Prasant
Yes, Possible.. you would need an abaper for the same.you can always write explicit function,good thing is it will not have side effect on SP update also.Regards,Prasant