Member since ‎2004 May 18

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I am using SUM 1.0 SP18 Patch 1 to apply SAP_HR 6.08 and EA_HR 6.08 support packages. Due to SAP_HR 6.08 patch 28, I had to also include upgrading to SAP_UI 7.50. We are on ERP 6.0 EhP7. During the MAIN_SHDRUN/ACT_UPG phase, the update stopped with t...
Good morning - We are (finally!) starting the migration away from Deski for our operational reports. We have a BOBJ XI 3.1 SP 7 FP 7.2 system running on Windows and we have a BI Platform 4.1 SP 6 Patch 1 system that runs on AIX. We are using the Upgr...
I have a SAPGui 7.40 Installation Server and I have built packages to be pushed to users. I have done some scripting previously and that works, including setting registry values for keys that already exist. SAP released Note 2229515 recently which sa...
Good afternoon - We are planning to update to EhP7 (currently on EhP6). This will mostly be a technical update, but we would like to be positioned to activate HR Renewal components at a later date. If we include the HR Renewal add-on into the EhP7 up...
We have recently applied SPS 10 to our Solution Manager 7.1 system. I have gone through the System Preparation steps and I am on the Basic Configuration steps. For Step 7: "Maintain Systems in IBase", I cannot get past the step "IBase Preparation". I...