Member since ‎2005 Dec 13

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  • 65 Posts
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Hi is it possible to have two SSO mechanism? We have already configured SSO with Kerberos. Now we need SAML also for a special project. We have a VPN tool, with this tool it is only possible to connect over SAML. Now the questions is i...
Hi all We have installed the Predictive Analytics 3.0 Client (PADESKTOP3000P_1-70001855.exe). By the installation the system will create a temporary license with all functionality. Now we create a new license for predictive analytics 3.0, but the lic...
Hi allWe have configured in our landscape https for the BusinessObjcests system.After the update of FireFox and Chrome we have problems with the security.We got the message "ERR_SSL_WEAK_SERVER_EPHEMERAL_DH_KEY"This has todo with the security for POO...
Hi allI have installed the Sybase IQ 16.0 SP8 on a linux SLES environment.Now itry to create the backups for the database.I can connect with dbisql without any problems.The connneciton string is like this:dbisql -c "uid=dba;pwd=<password>;eng=tss126;...
Hi allWe have our BI systems installed with tomcat.For the CTS+ configuration we need a SAP Netweaver JAVA system. We decide to use a new AS JAVA 7.3 for testing.Which usage types musst be installed on this JAVA system?And the second questions ist wh...
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