Hi , I want to get the wage details for particular Employee's Personnel Number (PERNR). I have two bapi's BAPI_WAGETYPE_EMPLOYEEGETLIST &BAPI_WAGETYPE_GETLIST.I want to fetch the wages details ( wages type, amount , number etc.) and populate some...
Hi , I have been trying to pass data by execute this bapi "BAPI_BASICPAY_CREATE"As follows:-call function 'BAPI_BASICPAY_CREATE' exporting EMPLOYEENUMBER = '3' SUBTYPE = '0 ' VALIDITYBEGIN ...
Hi, I need some help on:-1.) I have created a network using the BAPI FM ( BAPI_BUS2002_CREATE ) which I need to assign to the WBS.2.) Create an activity ( i believe the BAPI FM is BAPI_BUS2002_ACT_CREATE_MULTI ) and assign activity to the n/w.P...
I was trying to create a network from abap editor using the 'BAPI_BUS2002_CREATE' but I have encountered a dump. Here is my entire code below:-* Declaration based on the Import & Export parameters of BAPI create DATA LV_AUFNR TYPE NW_AUFNR. DATA ...
I want to create an assistance class where I can fetch data for the range of values selected ( basically when I select a range of sales order ).I was only only successfully in creating parameters, passing single values.Regards,Krishna.
Hello,Initially remove leading zero and concatenate with 'C' and then add leading zero (or use a conversion routine).SHIFT <field> LEFT DELETING LEADING '0'.
CONCATENATE 'C' <field> INTO <final>.Adding leading zeros again, you can do a conversion rou...
Hi, Please refer this blog and refer the comments section.https://blogs.sap.com/2019/04/05/whats-new-in-sap-hana-2.0-sps-04-2/comment-page-1/#comment-476240This information has been answered by the hay.bouten.And also refer the training.sap.com for c...
hay.bouten , Hi ,
Thank you for the info..
Any information on this certification code: - C_HANADEV_15 and it's latest version.
Any chance of C_HANADEV_16 coming up this year 2019 ?
Code Snippet:-SUBMIT rmplan00
WITH plnty = 'Q'
WITH material = ls_mapl-matnr"'67999'
WITH werk = '3110'
listobject = lt_ABAPLIST"list_tab
not_found = 1
OTHERS = 2....