Member since ‎2012 Jul 10

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The SAP Social Sabbatical program is one designed to expose SAP employees to new situations and new work related challenges to hone the leadership skills and deepen the participant’s cultural understanding of emerging markets.  Here in Belo Horizonte...
Muhammad Ali stated, “The man who has no imagination has no wings.”  Last week, while working here in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, I had the opportunity to meet two artisans who by Muhammad Ali’s standards are flying!Maos de Minas supports Brazilian handi...
Honk-Honk! Honk-Honk!  Think of the sound a clown horn makes – that is exactly the sound I hear each morning on my way to work in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.  The sound comes from the bakery man who rides the neighborhood streets around the hotel announc...
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