Member since ‎2012 Apr 25

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Dear All,yesterday we face error while Running F110.User Has run the F110 for the 52 Vendors among those 26 vendors got payment successfully and remaining vendor got failures.after that we got status Tab as shown belowwhen we check the vendor master ...
Hi All,I face one interview question from the one of the interview. I.e. What is GR/IR clearing a/c? what is the purpose to use GR/IR Clearing a/c? for these questions i have answered but Immediately the interviewer ask  me ask me.If i Receipt Good w...
Dear SAP Gurus,I have once problem in Asset Accounting. we have uploaded some of assets in Production system but due to some problem we haven't use production system. Right now we are going to use. If i want to upload Asset masters i have to clean th...
Dear All,I have a problem with Process while settling the asset from Auc to Final Fixed asset.  1. i settled IO with AUC Entry is AUC Dr                                               Settlement CE CrNote: In IO settlement rule Auc was updated automat...
Dear All,I have a  Problem with AUC settlement from IO.Scenario is: Settlement for Cost from  IO--> AUC---> Main AssetI'm able to create AUC asset while creating Internal order. system is giving AUC Asset number.But in Internal order (KO02) while upd...
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