Hi, You can create a material (e.g.FERT)& maintain its Base Unit of measure (Metric Ton) in MM01-Basic Data view & click on Additional data tab under Units of measure -->here you can maintain the relations between the base unit of measure & different...
Please check the below spro pathspro-img-MM-CBP-MRP Groups-Carry out overall maintnce of MRP Groups-->here enter Plant & the MRP group--Here under External procurement-Document type -->pls maintain the details of plant,STO Doc type,MRP Group.etc.Assi...
Please check with respect to which PO the current stock in MMBE is reflecting , if it is the same PO for which you earlier did MIGO.Also check if there were any material movements/Goods issue performed for this material from CHCP0000496) Plant (CP01)...
While creating Condition table you select/deselect the fields and SAVE,system will ask for TR & package details.If you don't know what is the package for Table 504 , then go in SE11 -->DB table B504--Display--Attributes tab--Package.
Please create the Condition table 503 referencing 504 again and see.While creating Condition table we need Package. Use the same Package which is used for 504 condition table.Also cross check all the standard settings in NACE for Purch RFQ i.e. Appli...