Member since ‎2008 Feb 24

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when i use t code BP or xd01/02/03 or xk01/02/03, i get syntrax error.. attaches4h0000014774.txtd
Hello, I'm currently facing an issue with posting periods for 2018. I have the message "Period 002/2018 is not open for account type S and G/L 893015" when I press "Post goods issue" on VL02N. I have tried to enter this period in OB52 but I do ...
Hello all,I have a question regarding LSMW and Batch input method. I have managed to create sales orders with multiple items with LSMW and batch input RVINVB10.Thing is, I have managed by using 3 files (linked to the 3 structures of the Sales order):...
Hello gurus,I'm currently working at Purchase Order creation. I need to trigger a small ABAP code when a Purchase order is created (ME21N) or modified (ME22N).I currently do this in EXIT_SAPMM06E_13 in enhencement MM06E005 but this trigger my code be...
vt02n.jpg Hi,In T-code VT02N, I'd like to add a program to a user exit so that it will be called when a shipment has been updated.I'd like my program to be trigerred when my shipment is being saved, and ideally when the Deadl. buttons 'Planning', 'Ch...
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