Member since ‎2012 May 29

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  • 102 Posts
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Hi, I have my main window overlapping with footer window in the same page.--> Have a folder in main window to check the space required to print footer. Working good.--> Have checked the condition "At the end of main window" in Footer window. Workin...
Hello,I wish to create a dynamic module poll screen..the scenario is like :on screen 1. I will choose some fields.Based on the chosen fields I wish to develop screen 2 where all the fields from screen 1 appear as select options and a text field corre...
Hi,Is it possible to send an email based on recipient timezone ?it is fine if the email  get generated at the save of transaction but should get delivered or sent based on the recipient time zone in C4C.@Alessandro Iannacci ,your pointer on this plea...
Hello,I wish to add two custom fields under "Change request scope"  AB of ChaRM.I got to know that the lines items under this AB comes from table TSOCM_CR_CONTEXT,and the structure is TSOCM_S_CR_CONTEXT_DISPLAY.The component/View is AIC_CM_SCOPE_D/AI...
Hello,I have created a search help in SE11 and assigned to an attribute. The search help is working fine.I have to change label of a field in result list of the search help.For this I have created a search help exit and coded CALLCONTROL-STEP = DISP ...
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