Hi All, I am getting "Unknown runtime error" related to javascript. I followed below mentioned blog. But my expand button is not working. Here is my complete page code.http://wiki.sdn.sap.com/wiki/display/CRM/New+appointment+assignment+block+at+ho...
Hi All, I am trying to use the class cl_wd_runtime_services=>attach_file_to_response to get the export to excel functionality. It was working fine with the previous version of CRM 5.0 where its calling the class :CL_WDR_CLIENT_SSR. But ...
Hi All, I have a requirement to configure SSO between CRM 7.0 Web UI and Windows Network ID. I referred to many threads but most of them are incomplete without a solution such as this:http://scn.sap.com/thread/1029608.and http://scn.sap.c...
Hi All, I am facing this strange issue of automatic Portal server restarts each time I try to download the logon ticket from keystore admin. I could see from the error statement that the certificate is being blocked by firewall. But I don...
Hi All, I have a custom table in which against each person's ATO number, I have multiple position codes of his reporting structure such as reporting manager, functional head, business head etc. I am trying to fetch names of a person and his...
Thanks for information on new debug tool. We are still using traditional method of getting logs from iOS device and analyze it. This would save lot of time for us.
Its good looking profile page. But still taking time to adjust with new design. SCN has changed its community site many times in last 4-5 years. Each time a new site is released for public to use, its new learning task for us to learn. I liked the ol...