Member since ‎2011 Nov 26

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As soon as 2025, the world’s largest professional services firms could have no employees, thanks to the power of digitalization. Crackpot prediction or a likely eventuality? We’ll soon see, but there’s no doubt that digital transformation is rewritin...
It’s an industry based on precedent that sometimes stretches back hundreds of years, and its practitioners rely on terminology coined in a language long dead, but make no mistake – law firms are making an open-and-shut case for the benefits of 21st-c...
We don’t have to go too far back in history to recall when companies were resistant to using email to conduct business. Many ROI studies were commissioned. Even telephones once were viewed as unnecessary to industry. So it’s not too surprising that t...
While some call it little more than hype, Gartner believes harnessing the insights of big data could help some firms outperform their competition by as much as 20% this year.But professional services firms are increasingly overwhelmed with the prolif...
Have you noticed that clients, employees, investors and the media increasingly cite the importance of a professional services firm developing a strong brand? Did you know that smart professional services firms are focused on driving revenue growth ba...
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