Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Member since ‎2008 Jul 06

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  • 70 Posts
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Hi,Im using Design Studio 1.6 and I've implemented the following in a button:CHART_X.showDataLabels(true);However, when the button is selected, in addition to showing the Data Labels, it also enables the Legend for the chart (which I've disabled).Is ...
Using IIS to redirect to TomcatHaving some experience with Tomcat's isapi_redirect plugin for IIS, I recently found a new way to enable redirection to Tomcat from IIS7.0+ using Application Request Routing (ARR) module.This new method is does not requ...
This blog was created as a part of Data Geek Challenge III in the category "House of Healers - Science and Health"When I accepted the Datageek challenge, I decided that creating a Lumira Storyboard or Infographic which covers the Ebola 2014 outbreak ...
See also my previous blog: Installing SAP BI 4.1 SP01 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.x Step-by-stepThe Heartbleed Bug has generated a lot of discussion.In this Blog, I will go over what I know about Heartbleed based on my personal experience.Be advise...
Hello SCN,In this blog, I will go through the steps necessary to setup and install SAP BI 4.1 SP01 on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.x system. This will be a basic and default (full) installation of BI4.1 SP01 using the bundled Sybase SQL Anywhere data...
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