Member since ‎2013 Apr 05

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  • 35 Posts
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We have a very basic sap.card type of Object that pulls data from our Successfactors PerPersonal API but will not bind to the "content". We see the data in the developer's tools in the json format so the data is being pulled but for the Object card t...
I'm looking for a document on how to configure TM / EM to enable Forwarding Orders (FWO). I'd like to see in EM the events of FWO with /SAPTRX/EH_LIST
Is it possible to use SAPUI5 Visual Editor or create Adaptation Projects using the Trial version of Web IDE? I have Version: 181220 and do not see these functions. Is it only by having the cloud version Full Stack one can do these functions?
I have a simple requirement to get OData from the backend to populate the sap.m.select on my XML view. It works if I use a hard code json array in the app. or if I use a JS view but not with an XML view. In my controller.js I have: var sSer...
My client would like to report increases or decreases to the VBAK-NETWR sales order net value. over a period. I can show changes via CDPOS of the line items for net price and quantity changes but then there's the pricing policies affects that also co...