Member since ‎2005 Feb 06

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Hi Experts,I want to Change the Default Settings for the dropdown list of the search button from "TEXT" to "KEY" ("Schlüssel") as shown here.Changes on Infoobject level or Query does not have an influence on the AO 2.2 Dropdown Option setting. I also...
Hello all,my requirements are the following:We are migrating to BI 7.0 AND establish a new role concept. So I have created lots of new roles and each of them has to substitute an old, obsolete one actually assinged only as single roles to the users. ...
Hello all,did someone manage to edit/delete generated (from DSO) analysis authorizations? When I want to correct a typo in one of the generated analysis authorizations it is not possible although the system is telling that it should be possible to do...
Hello all,I tried to execute mass generation of analysis authorizations in RSECADMIN from an DSO (copied from the template 0TCA_DS01). This DSO contains the necessary data for authorization in the active table. While executing and selecting this DSO ...
Hello all,is there an option in BI to perform a mass setup of analysis authorization (instead of using RSECADMIN for each). Or can anyone <b>share an ABAP</b> fo a bulk generation of these authorizations (with direct table access of table RSECVAL) I ...