Member since ‎2012 Jun 22

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  • 10 Posts
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I tried to expose the WebGUI as an HCP application following the guidelines. This should simply be possible by using a (dummy) HTML5 application in HCP with a neo-app.json file declaring a destination 'sap'. This destination is then defined in HCP wi...
I try to position a dialogbox container right under a popup-screen. The popup is created via call screen ... starting at X Y. So the popup appears with coordinates (X,Y) relativ to the underlying dynpro.Now I want to display a dialogbox container 'n...
Hi,how can I (sitting relaxed in my office ...) run a bsp application at a customer site? When I log in via CSN/STFK and test a bsp in the SAPGUI/SE80, I do not see the HTML-page.As I was told, one way is to use pcAnywhere.Is this the 'normal' way I ...
Hi, I played around with the bsp session_single_frame. In most cases (not always) it is not possible to call the bsp more than once. After the first session was closed, I got the login popup - but now my login data (the same as I used for the first c...
Hi,how can I display a context menu when the user clicks- right somewhere on the page, or- left on an icon, link, ...I didn't find a bsp-extension for that. But I think this would be a nice feature to provide a set of actions for the user to choose f...