I have a key figure statistical forecast at TWPRODLOCCUST which is setup as disaggregate- equal distribution with key figure for proportionality as dissag factor and week weight , we run it at material id-customer id level in application job templ...
Hi experts,
we have a scenario where business can load 24MT in one truck and wanted to round up stat forecast as per truck size ,below is the question :
Hi, can we round up STAT FCST qty. in IBP to full truck load size? For example, if we normall...
Hi Riyaz, I went through your 3 conditions and other comment and followed below approach i created a KF - Proportional factor and used this as a target key figure in calculate dissag factor forecast model where input kf is sales history based on this...
Hi Aman,i created a KF - Proportional factor and used this as a target key figure in calculate dissag factor forecast model where input kf is sales history based on this proportional factor got calculated and it is zero on combinations where i do n...