Member since ‎2015 May 27

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Hi felows, I Have a script, collecting data from several tables, it takes long time to run, I created a single table that have just the information I need, I want to create a procedure, to run every day (with cron), to update this table. This way abo...
Hi fellows, We use, today, php with WAMP server, acessing SQlAny 12 db, (with PHP 5x we use sybase.ddl driver, after update to PHP 7x, became to use ODBC driver) It works very fine.... But we're planing to migrate it to Laravel FrameWork. and we d...
Hi fellows, I have a wamp webserver (php 5.2), it connects very fine on another server running SQLAnywhere 16, I can make queries perfectly. the connection string is $con = sasql_connect("UID=USER;PWD=PASS;HOST=SERVER07;SERVER=srvcontabil"); From t...
Hi, I have several systems using php with my sybase sqlanywere DB, but I allways use the old connection string/method. Ex. $con = sasql_connect( "UID=DBA;PWD=xxx;Host=BDserver;ServerName=DB"); I am trying to migrate all my systems to Object Oriented...
Hi, I Have a large database, with several tables, and obviously, many columns . Due to an update on my system I need to change all entries where I have 'H:\\' to '\\server\\folder\\'. But I dont know the tables neider columns where this string happe...
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