Using sqlanywhere 12, we run a full dbbackup daily, with -x option to truncate the active log. The backup is run on the same server, compressed, and ftp'd to a secondary server.
We want to add a continuous live backup to the secondary server, to cove...
Trying to compile the sqlanywhere php extension on ubuntu12:
./configure --with-php-config=/opt/php5/bin/php-config
make install
But configure fails:
: not found: 2519: ./configure:
: not found: 2520: ./configure:
./configure: 11467:...
Attempts to run interactive sql from a command line on a linux server are failing:
> dbisql
-bash: /opt/sqlanywhere12/bin32/dbisql: file not found
Yet the file dbisql does exist.
'source'ing does not fix the problem.
This is a fresh instal...
We have a transaction table like this:
table txn (
date_created timestamp not null,
date_confirmed timestamp null,
Records are inserted with date_confirmed=null, using null to mean it has not been confirmed.
The majority o...
We have a composite index of three columns (date, time, pk) where pk is the primary key.
The pk column has its own index so why include pk in the composite index?
Composite index documentation
Yes, SQLAnywhere can run in a docker container.
I've been running SQLAnywhere 12 in an ubuntu docker container for a year in a development environment, and haven't encountered any issues.
The database file & log can reside on the host and be mounted...
How best to stop a live backup?
Can combine 5 & 6 using -ad to recover using multiple logs.
The process sounds close to how incremental backups work.
Thanks Volker, your comments are helpful.
@Volker, thanks for your comments.
Restoring from log offset: So we could periodically stop the live log backup on secondary, apply to full backup and restart the live log backup?
You described our system components exactly.
Say primary data centre i...
@Volker, thanks, we probably do need to consider it.
Live backup looks great because it offers an almost up to the second replica in a different data centre that could be recovered within minutes, and it's reasonably simple to set up.