Member since ‎2014 Sep 19

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  • 127 Posts
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I see that the npm package node-sqlanywhere hasn't been updated in a couple of years, and still only supports up to node.js version 10. Is this still a supported package? Are there plans to upgrade it to the latest version of node.js? Thanks,
I'm running PHP 7.2 on Linux (Ubuntu 18.04) with SA and things are working fine. If I upgrade SA17 to version SA, the PHP 7.2 extension module fails with a Bad Gateway 402 error. I've tried it with SA17 versions as far back a...
I'm trying to insert the multibyte string 'test 人造景' into an NVARCHAR field from PHP. The platform is I'm running SA and php 5.5.9. I have created the following test code to illustrate the issue: $cstring = "UID=DBA;PWD=sql;Server=myserve...
I am struggling trying to get HTTPS working on Mobilink 17 with an android UltraLiteJ client. I've tried the following steps (and many variations as well), but when the android client tries a sync, MobiLink returns the message MobiLink communication...
I've tried a couple of ways to start MobiLink with a certificate from LetsEncrypt, but so far with no success. First I tried getting a certificate using this method: .\\wacs.exe --store centralssl --centralsslstore C:\\CentralSSL\\ which creates the...