Hi experts,Y have two cases in wich 2 employees that belong to a one unique worksheet appear duplicated in executive review.Those are employees that belong to a spain but work in Perú. One of them have a concurrent employee, the other is similar but ...
I have configured 4 values in the company goal values table with Interpolate method, but the graph shows (in the form, when you click on the goal) an additional 5 point with 200% that I have not configured and I do not know why it is appearing or...
Hi experts,I would like to know if is possible to add symbols like % or $ in the assigment deatil section, the same as the other sections of the variable pay form. I think not, but I wanted to be sure.Thank you
Hi experts,Is it possible to create a notification/email to a group when a position becomes vacant and notify the position ID?If not, is there any work around?Any Ideas? I can´t find any doc.Thanks,
Hi Experts,Im not sure if is possible to add fields in the search employee filters section at the moment you are about to send a form for feedback or create a new step on the route map.Can it be done?
Hi @xavierlegarrec ,I added the changes to de xml:<comp-field-definition id="cust_TargetPercent" isCustomField="true" isVisible="true" type="percent" useFor="varpay" level="assignment" importKey="tgtPct" importsrc="DM" readOnly="true" width="6" hideP...
Hi @xavierlegarrec ,Is it possible to bring in custom fields the varPayEmpHistData values of tgtPct and basis? Im tryin to map them but the system seems not to allow it.I need the symbols of those fields.
Hi Xavier, The issue is that the request is to complete the second manager field from one of the relationships, but if that is empty, complete it with another of the relationships. I think that's not possible, unless you map the same field with both ...