I do a lot of b1if scenarios where I write business logic in a HANA SQL Stored Procedure for example generate invoices, then I send them to the DI via b1if. I could get 10000 lines in SQL or 0 lines.
So it is like Call SQL -> Branch IF there are a...
Both 1.0 and 2.0 but I think 2.0 more. All I see is "null object was loaded" - perhaps connection to HANA lost?
How to make it not happen?
Also how can I get notified?
The issue is that customers currently do not know if an integration is runni...
Dear All,
Problem: b1if steps often get deactivated because connection to the database is lost, for example, when the database is down or network is down. But no one notices it for a week.
So we want to e.g. set up an Alarm with an SQL query in S...
Dear All
In an On-Premise HANA system, the customer would like us to provide some kind of a report on which users have licences assigned in what tenants. They have many tenants and hard to keep an overview.
I have received the information, that i...
I.e. $[OCRD.CardCode] or $[$4.0] or something like that, obviously the form would have to be open. The idea would be to use the result of the query, not to display it, so simulating clicking on the menu item would not work.
Hi! joao.ferreira10 That was not the issue. The issue is Branch, unlike the IF statement in a normal programming language, only provides to the next step what you are branching on.A very typical approach is: Split-Join, like, a FOREACH statement on m...
Historically we've had to do things like "log" every transactions in a POST_TN and then pick these up
Why? Suppose you just add an U_EventProcessed UDF to Marketing Document Headers, with N as a default value, periodically read it and after doing ...
For automating it, generally speaking if if a development does not require a user interface, but it is rather a background processing, we use the integration framework. So we would build an integration package that runs an SQL query every 15 minutes ...