Member since ‎2024 May 22

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hi i have a problem in general, the issue is that i created a global variable on TargetGroup.xbo this is how i declare the variable: element isRaiseErrorGlobal: LongText; and on event-root-beforeSave.absl i try to update the value of the field in a s...
hi i am working in sap by design solution i finish devekope my sulution i moove it to the prod tenant now i have to do some changes in the solution so i created patch then i get a new solution in the test tenant in a ststus "in development " now i wa...
hiHello everyoneI register a withdrawaland receives into the variable every SALES ORDER according to the parameters I choseRight now I want to go through all the results obtained from the fetchand check whether the record is locked by a system user o...
hiin the by design system in the salesOrder.bowhen i press on the send order Confirmation button in the output history tab we can see the order Confirmation file and also to see the XML template with the details of the specific sales order  now my re...
HiI created a WEB SERVICEwhich addresses the URL: This address is directed to receive data from GOVWhen I run the call to web service I get ...