I'm having trouble getting the following xp_sendsmtp documentation example working: 'This example uses SMTP to send inline HTML formatted message with a signature and two attachments, one of which is a ZIP file.'
The slightly modified example, with o...
By googling, I found a way to send secure email from SQL Anywhere code by calling xp_startsmtp passing parameter trusted_certificates='SMTPS=Yes;Secure=1'. I send using port 587.
This works on my computer, but did not work on a customer's server. ...
I had such a good response to my post of a few days ago ('IN search condition - expression-list represented by a variable'), that I thought I'd try asking another question that had been on my mind but was not particularly urgent.
Following is a ver...
Can anyone suggest a clever way to do something like this without resorting to dynamic SQL? Please excuse me if I'm just missing something simple.
declare s_id_lst char (30);
set s_id_lst = '3,4';
How do I convert a date into a string formatted per the computer's regional date setting? I only see how to specify explicit formats. For example, in PowerBuilder, I would specify date format string "[shortdate]". Forgive me if I'm missing somethi...
pcollins - regarding your comment, above, "we still have issues using Exchange Server as the first SMTP server" - I just ran into issues too.
I use xp_sendmail specifying parameters "message" and "include_file", using the exact same SQL Anywhere vers...
Thanks for all the work you put in on this!
The SMTP server I'm using is from a Linux Shared Hosting account. I'm not an expert on this "stuff", but I'm guessing that wouldn't be Exchange.
Some problems we have the need and/or time to "put in wh...
I have now been testing in SA 17 ( - older there too), and am not having any more success. I have verified that my "usual" emails send in my SA17 whereas they did not in my long EOL'ed SA16 with the 255 character bug.
pcollins - I'm no...
I may be on to something on this:
I am testing using I vaguely remember experiencing a problem whereby a sent email message had an empty body. Sure enough, I found the following by searching through my documentation:
Thanks. Per my comment above, "content isn't shown" is consistent with what we are running into. "include_file" works fine for us if the "content" value string is just text, including HTML.
It would be great if you could post some examples of "ma...